Fiction | Fantasy | Worldbuilding

How to Deal with New Ideas While Writing Your Novel

How to Deal with New Ideas While Writing Your Novel

New ideas are great. They’re certainly better than no ideas at all. But if you get new ideas while writing, AFTER you've plotted and written a lot of your novel, they can be disruptive and frustrating. I’m a mix when it comes to plotting. Sometimes I’ll plot...

Can Fiction Writers Become Copywriters?

Can Fiction Writers Become Copywriters?

You just love writing, right? You dream of being able to earn a way of living that involves writing and being creative and free. And best of all, this is possible in a few ways. Some options include, journalism, technical writing, copywriting, and even fiction...

How to Work with Time in a Fantasy World

Time is probably not what you think about when it comes to designing your fantasy world. However, time determines a whole lot in the world and it’s something worth thinking about. How do we measure time? This was something that hadn’t occurred to me when I set out to...

How to Structure a Novel: 6 Story Structures to Try

So you want to write a novel? Welcome to hell. Not really, writing a novel can be a lot of fun but it is far from easy. If it was easy, all those people who say everyone has a novel in them would have written one by now. It’s hard to know where to start, but that’s...

Top Fantasy Worldbuilding Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re new to worldbuilding or are struggling with the massive task of building an entire world from scratch, it can be an overwhelming process. It's easy to make some common mistakes while worldbuilding. So, this post will highlight which ones I see most often so...

5 Ideas On What To Blog About as a Fiction Writer

If you’re a fiction writer and keep hearing people like me say GET A BLOG for god sake, then you might be taken aback and stuck. What the hell do you blog about? As an unpublished author no less. The good thing is you don’t have to wait until you’re published. In...

Society and Governments in Fantasy Worlds

If you are building an entire world from scratch for your fantasy novel(s), then there are lots of big-picture things to think about. One of those things is the overall society structure and types of governments in your fantasy world. The chances are that there will...

Should You Write Under a Pen Name? The Pros and Cons

New to the writing world or new to putting yourself out there? It’s a difficult thing to do, whether you would call yourself a shy person or not. Let's face it, many of us writers are pretty shy. One way people try to minimise this fear of self-promotion is to use a...